92 research outputs found

    The Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings: Further Canadian Evidence

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    Evidence of underpricing of initial public offerings (IPOs) has spawned a considerable theoretical literature attempting to explain the apparent contradiction to market efficiency. This article reassesses that evidence by examining not just common shares Canadian IPOs, but also unit and Junior stock IPOs from the period 1991-1998. Our study shows that Canadian IPOs as major IPOs in the world are underpriced. However, the degree of underpricing depends on the type of the issue. Unit IPOs and Junior Capital Pool (JCP) IPOs are more underpriced than common shares IPOs. Our results also suggest that the IPO market in Canada is «goodïżœ only for large offerings. We have entertained a number of possible explanations for the high initial return of Canadian issuing firms. We find that the underpricing is significantly related to the size and the period of the issue and to whether the IPO is a JCP or not. On the other hand, the prestige of the underwriter is positively related to the underpricing but this relationship is not significant. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude propose une analyse en profondeur du comportement des Ă©missions initiales canadiennes de 1991 Ă  1998, en incluant les titres Ă©mis dans le cadre des programmes de Capital Pool. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la sous Ă©valuation initiale persiste au Canada, en moyenne. Toutefois, le degrĂ©s de sous-Ă©valuation est fortement liĂ© au type d'Ă©mission: les Ă©missions d'unitĂ©s et celles qui se font dans le cadre des programmes de Capital Pool sont davantage sous Ă©valuĂ©es que les Ă©missions d'actions ordinaires hors Capital pool. Les Ă©missions de taille moyenne et de grande taille semblent correctement Ă©valuĂ©s au Canada, contrairement Ă  ce que l'on observe sur la plupart des marchĂ©s et notamment aux États-Unis. La sous-Ă©valuation initiale concerne donc essentiellement les Ă©missions de 20 millions de $ et moins, qui reprĂ©sentent toutefois 76,3 p. cent des Ă©missions analysĂ©es. La sous-Ă©valuation initiale reste donc un problĂšme majeur pour les petites et moyennes entreprises canadiennes. Parmi les autres explications possibles Ă  la sous-Ă©valuation initiale, seule la pĂ©riode d'Ă©mission semble jouer un rĂŽle significatif, en plus de la taille et de l'appartenance ou non au programme des Capital Pool.Initial public offerings, underpricing, Canada, Émissions initiales, sous Ă©valuation, Canada

    Proposal for a Single Securities Commission: Comments and Discussion

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    This report analyzes and comments on the principal arguments put forward by the Crawford Panel to support the establishment of a single securities commission in Canada. One argument advanced is that the current rules-based regulatory structure should be replaced with a principles-based approach similar to that of the United Kingdom’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM). According to the Panel, this approach would allow for a relaxation of the conditions for corporate financing. We will point out the very distinctive characteristics of the Canadian market, which allows emerging companies—those without income and even without any revenue—to carry out initial and subsequent rounds of financing. Our estimates indicate that such financing is carried out at an advantageous cost, and the survival of new issuers seems more certain in Canada than in other countries where the rules for listing on a stock exchange are more restrictive. We believe it would be difficult to further relax the rules of a market in which 45% of issuers are able to list their securities on a stock exchange without reporting any revenue and in which 71% of new exchange registrants do not earn any income. This situation is unparalleled in the world. We will show that adopting a system similar to the AIM model would result in a significant percentage of existing issuers no longer being able to access the market. We therefore concur fully with the opinion expressed by one of the experts enlisted by the Panel, namely, that adopting a system similar to the AIM model in Canada is neither feasible nor desirable. The Panel expressed concern about the conditions for the financing of junior issuers. We will show that, in general, the direct costs of such financings are lower in Canada than in the United States. We will see that, in fact, there is a very high number of small offerings and issues in Canada. The Canadian markets seem to have developed strategies that are well suited to the characteristics of an economy heavily dependent on small-cap companies and on the resource sector. An analysis of all financings, including traditional and non-traditional stock exchange listings as well as subsequent financings (a total of more than 10,000 transactions), clearly shows that financings are very small and are carried out locally and, in 77% of cases, by issuers from outside Ontario. The Panel also expressed concern about the level of competitiveness of the Canadian market; this is a concern that we share. We will show that the principal challenge faced by the Canadian market is the gradual shift of transactions involving cross-listed securities to the U.S. market. In contrast to the Panel, we do not believe that AIM listings constitute a major problem. When Canadian companies cross-list their securities, they opt for the U.S. market at a ratio of eight to one. The migration of companies and transactions towards the U.S. market has many causes, but it would be very difficult to argue that the regulatory structure is a key factor. The argument whereby the costs of capital are lower in the U.S. does not stand up to analysis. Several recent and thorough studies indicate that the difference in these costs between the two countries is minimal, leaning in favour of one country or the other depending on the study. Our own findings show that Canadian companies that cross-list their securities do not benefit from any lower costs. The decision to list securities on a foreign market is driven primarily by strategic business factors and by the search for large pools of investors. In that regard, Canada has no advantage, and it seems unlikely that regulatory changes will convert Canada into a significant source of financing for foreign companies. In our opinion, efforts should be focused, above all, on improving and sustaining the financing options available to Canadian issuers. The Panel has argued that establishing a single commission is necessary for improving enforcement of securities laws in Canada. In this regard, Canada is often compared to the United States. An analysis of data on sanctions shows, firstly, that the SEC is far from being the source of the majority of sanctions imposed on financial market participants. It initiates less than 10% of proceedings involving financial matters and imposes less than one quarter of all monetary sanctions. Secondly, there has been an increase in sanctions imposed in Canada in this area. Thirdly, there are major differences between Canada and other countries. This explains the differences observed and perceived as regards enforcement. The experts enlisted by the Panel have, in fact, recommended a series of eight actions and have suggested, in the eighth item, pan-Canadian enforcement of the law. Consequently, these experts have not concluded that centralization of the securities commissions is an indispensable condition for enhancing the enforcement of securities laws. The issue of costs arises very often in discussions regarding the Canadian regulatory system. Yet, there is little evidence showing that the current regulatory structure leads to significant costs for investors or issuers. The costs of the regulatory authorities represent a negligible percentage of the transaction costs borne by investors and of revenues from brokerage activities in Canada. The direct costs of regulatory authorities are lower than those incurred in other countries, when expressed on the basis of the number of reporting issuers. Finally, arguments to the effect that a single commission would generate substantial savings are less than convincing. Such savings would be possible only if the activities of securities commissions outside Ontario were virtually abolished. Three elements appear from our analysis. First and foremost, the principal arguments put forward by the Panel to justify the urgency of centralizing securities commissions in Canada do not stand up to analysis and are, at times, contradicted by the research and the experts mandated by the Panel itself. Secondly, the major challenge faced by the Canadian market—the shift of enterprises and transactions to the U.S.—does not seem to have been perceived as such or even discussed. Finally, we believe it is essential to recognize and preserve the distinctive characteristics of the existing market. It is a market that welcomes growth companies and small-cap companies, is highly decentralized and is apparently very favourable to issuers. Ce rapport analyse et commente les principaux arguments avancĂ©s par le ComitĂ© Crawford pour justifier l’instauration d’une commission des valeurs mobiliĂšres unique au Canada. Un premier argument dĂ©fend que la structure actuelle de rĂ©glementation, basĂ©e sur des rĂšgles, devrait ĂȘtre remplacĂ©e par une approche basĂ©e sur des principes, inspirĂ©e de l’expĂ©rience de l’Alternative Investment Market (AIM) au Royaume-Uni. Selon le ComitĂ©, cette approche permettrait d’assouplir les conditions de financement des sociĂ©tĂ©s. Nous montrons les caractĂ©ristiques trĂšs particuliĂšres du marchĂ© canadien, qui permet les financements initiaux et subsĂ©quents de sociĂ©tĂ©s en dĂ©veloppement, sans bĂ©nĂ©fice et mĂȘme sans revenu. Nos estimations indiquent que ce financement se fait Ă  un coĂ»t avantageux, et la survie des nouveaux Ă©metteurs semble plus assurĂ©e au Canada que dans d’autres pays oĂč les rĂšgles d’admission en Bourse sont plus restrictives. Nous considĂ©rons qu’il semble difficile d’assouplir encore les rĂšgles d’un marchĂ© oĂč 45 % des Ă©metteurs s’inscrivent en Bourse sans rapporter de revenu et oĂč 71 % des nouveaux inscrits en Bourse ne rapportent pas de bĂ©nĂ©fice. Cette situation n’a pas d’équivalent au monde. Nous montrons que l’imposition d’un systĂšme semblable Ă  celui de l’AIM ferait qu’une proportion importante des Ă©metteurs actuels ne pourrait plus accĂ©der au marchĂ©. Nous rejoignons donc totalement l’avis de l’un des experts engagĂ©s par le ComitĂ©, qui indique que l’imposition d’un systĂšme semblable Ă  celui de l’AIM au Canada n’est ni possible, ni souhaitable. Le ComitĂ© est prĂ©occupĂ© par les conditions de financement des Ă©metteurs de petite taille. Nous montrons que les coĂ»ts directs de ces financements sont, de façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, moins Ă©levĂ©s au Canada qu’ils ne le sont aux États-Unis. Nous indiquons par ailleurs la frĂ©quence trĂšs Ă©levĂ©e des Ă©missions et placements de petite taille au Canada. Les marchĂ©s canadiens semblent avoir dĂ©veloppĂ© des stratĂ©gies bien adaptĂ©es aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s d’une Ă©conomie qui repose fortement sur les entreprises faiblement capitalisĂ©es et sur le secteur des ressources. Lorsqu’on analyse l’ensemble des opĂ©rations de financement, incluant les entrĂ©es en Bourse conventionnelles ou non ainsi que les financements subsĂ©quents (soit plus de 10 000 opĂ©rations), il apparaĂźt nettement que les financements sont de trĂšs petite taille, effectuĂ©s localement et, Ă  77 %, levĂ©s par des Ă©metteurs non ontariens. Le ComitĂ© est soucieux du niveau de compĂ©titivitĂ© du marchĂ© canadien et nous partageons ses inquiĂ©tudes. Notamment, nous avons montrĂ© que le principal dĂ©fi auquel fait face ce marchĂ© provient du glissement progressif des transactions portant sur les titres interlistĂ©s vers le marchĂ© amĂ©ricain. Contrairement au ComitĂ©, nous dĂ©fendons que les inscriptions sur l’AIM ne constituent pas un problĂšme majeur. Lorsqu’elles s’interlistent, les sociĂ©tĂ©s canadiennes optent pour le marchĂ© amĂ©ricain dans une proportion de huit Ă  une. La migration des sociĂ©tĂ©s et des transactions vers le marchĂ© amĂ©ricain a des causes multiples, mais il semble trĂšs difficile de prĂ©tendre que la structure des organismes de rĂ©glementation y soit un facteur dĂ©terminant. L’argument voulant que le coĂ»t du capital soit infĂ©rieur aux États-Unis ne rĂ©siste pas Ă  l’analyse. Plusieurs Ă©tudes rĂ©centes et rigoureuses indiquent que la diffĂ©rence, Ă  ce niveau, est infime entre les deux pays, et le sens de la diffĂ©rence varie suivant les travaux. Nos propres rĂ©sultats indiquent que les sociĂ©tĂ©s canadiennes qui s’interlistent ne bĂ©nĂ©ficient d’aucune diminution de ce coĂ»t. Les dĂ©cisions de s’inscrire sur un marchĂ© Ă©tranger sont essentiellement liĂ©es aux considĂ©rations stratĂ©giques des entreprises et Ă  la recherche de bassins importants d’investisseurs. Sur ce plan, le Canada ne bĂ©nĂ©ficie d’aucun avantage et il semble peu vraisemblable que des changements rĂ©glementaires puissent faire du Canada une base importante de financement de sociĂ©tĂ©s non canadiennes. Il nous semble que les efforts devraient ĂȘtre, avant tout, consacrĂ©s Ă  amĂ©liorer et pĂ©renniser les possibilitĂ©s de financement des Ă©metteurs canadiens. Le ComitĂ© dĂ©fend que l’instauration d’une commission unique est nĂ©cessaire pour amĂ©liorer l’application de la Loi au Canada. Sur ce plan le Canada est souvent comparĂ© aux États-Unis. L’analyse des donnĂ©es sur les sanctions indique premiĂšrement que la SEC n’est pas, et de loin, Ă  l’origine de la majoritĂ© des sanctions obtenues contre des intervenants du marchĂ© financier. Elle est Ă  l’origine de moins de 10 % des poursuites en matiĂšre financiĂšre et impose moins du quart du total des sanctions monĂ©taires. DeuxiĂšmement, nous observons une augmentation des sanctions imposĂ©es au Canada en ce domaine. TroisiĂšmement, il existe d’importantes diffĂ©rences entre le Canada et les autres pays, qui expliquent les Ă©carts observĂ©s et perçus dans la rigueur de l’application de la Loi. Les experts engagĂ©s par le ComitĂ© recommandent d’ailleurs un ensemble de huit actions diffĂ©rentes et suggĂšrent, au huitiĂšme point, une application pancanadienne de la Loi. Ces experts ne concluent donc pas que la centralisation des commissions des valeurs mobiliĂšres soit la condition indispensable Ă  un renforcement de l’application de la Loi. La problĂ©matique des coĂ»ts est trĂšs souvent mentionnĂ©e dans le dĂ©bat entourant la rĂ©glementation canadienne. Il existe pourtant peu d’évidence Ă  l’effet que la structure de rĂ©glementation actuelle induit des coĂ»ts significatifs pour les investisseurs et mĂȘme pour les Ă©metteurs. Les coĂ»ts des organismes de rĂ©glementation reprĂ©sentent une proportion infime des coĂ»ts de transactions supportĂ©s par les investisseurs ou encore des revenus de l’activitĂ© du courtage au Canada. Les coĂ»ts directs provoquĂ©s par les organismes de rĂ©glementation sont infĂ©rieurs Ă  ceux encourus dans les autres pays, dĂšs qu’on les exprime sur la base du nombre d’émetteurs assujettis. Enfin, les Ă©vidences Ă  l’effet qu’une commission unique permettrait des Ă©conomies importantes semblent peu convaincantes. Ces Ă©conomies ne sont possibles que si l’activitĂ© des commissions des valeurs mobiliĂšres en dehors de l’Ontario est pratiquement abolie. Trois Ă©lĂ©ments dĂ©coulent de notre analyse. En premier lieu, les principaux Ă©lĂ©ments avancĂ©s par le ComitĂ© pour justifier l’urgence de centraliser les commissions des valeurs mobiliĂšres au Canada rĂ©sistent mal Ă  l’analyse et sont parfois contredits par la recherche ou par les experts mandatĂ©s par ce mĂȘme ComitĂ©. En second lieu, le dĂ©fi majeur auquel semble confrontĂ© le marchĂ© canadien ne semble ni ĂȘtre perçu comme tel, ni ĂȘtre traitĂ© : il s’agit du glissement des entreprises et des transactions vers les États-Unis. Enfin, il nous semble essentiel de reconnaĂźtre et prĂ©server les caractĂ©ristiques particuliĂšres du marchĂ© actuel, largement ouvert aux sociĂ©tĂ©s en croissance et de petite taille, trĂšs dĂ©centralisĂ© et apparemment trĂšs favorable aux Ă©metteurs.

    Heterogeneous Expectations, Short Sales Regulation and the Risk Return Relationship

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    This paper examines, in a Canadian context, the effect of short sales regulation on the risk-return relationship. Drawing from Jarrow's work (1980), we derive an equilibrium risk-return relationship that accounts for both heterogeneous expectations and short sales regulation. We conclude that the required rate of return on risky assets in a world where short sales are forbidden is equal to the required rate which would prevail in a world free of short sales restrictions, minus an opportunity cost induced by short sales regulation. We show that, theoretically, this opportunity cost is positively related to the dispersion of agents' beliefs and negatively related to the security's liquidity level. We test the model over the sixty-month period from January 1985 through December 1989 and use 13079 observations (220 companies on average). We pool all the observations into a time series cross-sectional model and use Litzenberger and Ramaswamy's methodology (1979) to address three econometric problems: heteroscedasticity, cross-correlation of disturbance terms and beta measurement errors. The results permit us to establish that a negative linear relationship links expected risky asset returns and the divergence of agents' beliefs. This negative relationship is consistent with the presence of opportunity costs resulting from short sales regulation when return beliefs are heterogeneous. We find that the negative relationship between security returns and dispersion of beliefs is essentially confined to illiquid securities, that is, those monitored by a small number of analysts. Finally, these results are not modified when tested on two sub-periods nor when we introduce two control variables (size, as measured by the number of analysts monitoring the stock, and January effect). L'Ă©tude traite de l'effet de la rĂ©glementation des ventes Ă  dĂ©couvert sur la relation rendement-risque, au Canada. ž partir du cadre dĂ©veloppĂ© par Jarrow (1980), nous dĂ©veloppons une expression de la relation rendement-risque lorsque les anticipations des agents sont hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes et les ventes Ă  dĂ©couvert sont restreintes. Il apparaĂźt alors que les restrictions sur les ventes Ă  dĂ©couvert induisent un coĂ»t d'opportunitĂ© qui rĂ©duit le taux de rendement anticipĂ©. Ce coĂ»t d'opportunitĂ© devrait ĂȘtre une fonction positive de la dispersion des anticipations et une fonction nĂ©gative du niveau de liquiditĂ© du titre. Ces hypothĂšses sont vĂ©rifiĂ©es Ă  l'aide de donnĂ©es mensuelles, qui couvrent la pĂ©riode de0101 1985 Ă 1101 1989. La mĂ©thodologie de Litzenberger et Ramaswamy (1979), est utilisĂ©e afin de rĂ©soudre les divers problĂšmes Ă©conomĂ©triques. Les rĂ©sultats montrent une relation linĂ©aire nĂ©gative entre le rendement des titres et le niveau d'hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des anticipations, mesurĂ© par la dispersion des prĂ©visions des analystes financiers. Cette relation est surtout observable pour les titres les moins liquides, qui sont ici les moins suivis par les analystes financiers. Ces rĂ©sultats valent pour chaque sous pĂ©riode et rĂ©sistent Ă  l'introduction de variables de contrĂŽle.Heterogeneous expectations; Short sales regulation; Dispersion of analysts' forecasts, Anticipations hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes ; RĂ©glementation des ventes Ă  dĂ©couvert ; Dispersion ; PrĂ©vision des analystes

    Canadian Securities Regulation: Issues And Challenges

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    The idea of setting up a national securities commission in Canada has recently returned to the forefront. However, the debate is not based on a rigorous empirical study. Most arguments put forward to support the idea of the inefficiency of securities regulation are not supported by regulatory and finance theory, and are generally based only on unsupported statements put forward by pressure groups. Our study analyses the arguments put forward by proponents of the centralization of securities regulation and highlights the current problems of the Canadian securities market. The Canadian securities market is confronted with major challenges. It faces direct competition from a much larger market, where various market systems compete fiercely with each other. It appears difficult to impute to the provincial regulatory structure these difficulties which essentially affect the secondary market and the costs of which are mostly related to stock exchange operations and brokers. The direct costs of regulation are not higher in Canada than in other jurisdictions, especially when the comparison takes into account the number of reporting issuers. The process for an initial offering is not only less costly in Canada, it is also more rapid than in the United States. It must be admitted that the argument of the negative effects of the regulatory system on Canadian issues has not been proven. The proposed centralized model would change little with respect to harmonization of securities legislation which, to a great extent, is now governed by national standards. It would create a regulatory monopoly, a dangerous situation given the very high concentration of the regulated industry, and would cause the loss in Canada of the benefits of regulatory competition which currently prevails. There are few arguments to the effect that such a structure would reduce direct costs and the Australian example seems to indicate the opposite. On the contrary, a system based on harmonization and mutual recognition (the passport) presents advantages which have lead the European Community to opt for this system of securities regulation.

    Private Placements by Small Public Entities: Canadian Experience

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    In Canada, most of the private placements are offered by small and unprofitable entrepreneurial ventures -- for which the asymmetry of information and adverse selection problems are particularly acute. Private placements are a very important source of equity for these emerging businesses. In contrast with the public offering process, placements of shares are made in the exempt market with accredited or sophisticated investors. It is assumed that these investors would be knowledgeable enough to protect their own interests. The aim of this paper is to analyze the extent to which such private placements can be considered “fair”, i.e. if they provide investors with a fair rate of return and if accredited investors are indeed able to price these placements correctly in a context of large asymmetry of information. The answer is clearly negative. Au Canada, la majoritĂ© des placements privĂ©s sont Ă©mis par de petites entreprises en Ă©mergence, non rentables. Les problĂšmes d’asymĂ©trie de l’information et d’anti-sĂ©lection sont particuliĂšrement sĂ©vĂšres. Les placements privĂ©s sont toutefois une source de financement trĂšs importante pour ces entreprises. Contrairement aux offres publiques, les placements privĂ©s sont Ă©mis dans le cadre du rĂ©gime d’exemption, auprĂšs d’investisseurs agrĂ©Ă©s dont on considĂšre qu’ils ont les connaissances requises pour veiller Ă  leurs intĂ©rĂȘts financiers. L’objectif de l’étude est de dĂ©terminer dans quelle mesure les placements privĂ©s procurent un taux de rendement Ă©quitable aux investisseurs et si les investisseurs agrĂ©Ă©s sont en mesure d’apprĂ©cier correctement la valeur de ce type d’investissement. La rĂ©ponse est nĂ©gative.Private placements, SME, securities regulation, public policies, financing, Placement privĂ©, petites entreprises, rĂ©glementation des valeurs mobiliĂšres, politiques publiques, financement

    The Aftermarket Performance of Initial Public Offerings in Canada

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    In this paper, we empirically investigate Canadian initial public offerings (IPOs) to provide one case on the international evidence on the long-run performance of IPOs. Specifically, we examine whether the choice of a performance measurement methodology directly determines both the size and power of statistical test, as documented in previous studies (Mitchell and Stafford, 2000; Loughran and Ritter, 2000; and Brav, Geczy and Gompers, 2000). Our sample consists of 445 IPOs between January 1991 and December 1998. Using cumulative abnormal returns as an abnormal performance measure, we find that the Canadian IPOs underperform significantly the sample of seasoned firms with the same market capitalization. More specifically, the 3 year and the 5 year underperformances estimated on value weighted (VW) basis are statistically significant. Moreover, using the buy-and hold returns as an alternative measurement for long-run performance, we find that investors who buy immediately after listing and hold shares for five years will make a loss of 24,66%, on equally weighted (EW) basis (15,16% on VW basis) relative to an investment in the control firms. Using the calendar-time returns method, we find that the 5 years underperformance is 25,6% on EW basis (19,22% on VW basis). We have entertained a number of possible explanations for the poor subsequent performance of issuing firms. While, the fads or investor's overreactions and divergence of opinions hypotheses do not apply in explaining the aftermarket performance of Canadian IPOs, our evidence is consistent with the hot issue market story. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude contribue Ă  l'analyse internationale de la performance Ă  long terme des Ă©missions initiales, menĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents pays, en analysant les Ă©missions canadiennes de la pĂ©riode 1992-1998. Nous examinons en particulier dans quelle mesure le choix des mesures de performance influence Ă  la fois l'amplitude des rĂ©sultats et la puissance des tests statistiques, comme l'affirment plusieurs auteurs tels Mitchell and Stafford (2000), Loughran and Ritter (2000) ainsi que Brav, Geczy et Gompers (2000). L'Ă©chantillon inclut 445 Ă©missions initiales rĂ©alisĂ©es entre0101 1991 et1101 1991. Lorsque la mĂ©thode des rĂ©sidus cumulĂ©s est utilisĂ©e pour mesurer la performance anormale, nous observons que les Ă©missions initiales canadiennes ont une performance significativement infĂ©rieure Ă  celle d'entreprises pairĂ©es, de taille semblable qui n'ont pas procĂ©dĂ© Ă  des Ă©missions. Les rĂ©sidus moyens pondĂ©rĂ©s calculĂ©s aprĂšs 3 ou 5 ans sont nĂ©gatifs lorsque ces rendements sont pondĂ©rĂ©s par les valeurs des produits bruts. L'effet n'est donc pas imputable uniquement aux petites Ă©missions. Lorsque la mĂ©thode de la dĂ©tention passive est utilisĂ©e, nous estimons la perte de richesses des acquĂ©reur des Ă©missions qui les dĂ©tiennent pendant 5 ans Ă  24,66% de leur richesse initiale. L'examen des facteurs explicatifs de la performance Ă  moyen et long terme semble confirmer l'hypothĂšse des fenĂȘtres d'opportunitĂ©, alors que les hypothĂšses basĂ©es sur l'irrationalitĂ© ou la sur rĂ©action ne semblent pas confirmĂ©es.Initial public offerings; long term performance; Canada, Émissions initiales, sous performance Ă  long terme, Canada

    Une évaluation des dépenses fiscales et subventions dans le domaine de la capitalisation des entreprises

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    Depuis 1976, le gouvernement quĂ©bĂ©cois a mis en place plusieurs programmes de subventions et de dĂ©penses fiscales destinĂ©s Ă  amĂ©liorer la capitalisation des entreprises : le Programme d’aide Ă  la capitalisation, les SociĂ©tĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement de l’entreprise quĂ©bĂ©coise, le Fonds de solidaritĂ© des travailleurs du QuĂ©bec et le volet « dĂ©veloppement » du RĂ©gime d’épargne-actions du QuĂ©bec. Nous proposons une analyse avantages-coĂ»ts de ces programmes. Le coĂ»t fiscal de ces programmes est estimĂ© Ă  917,35 millions de lorsquelescreˊditssontaccumuleˊsautauxdesobligations.Laperted’opportuniteˊdesinvestisseurs,quiestdel’ordrede215millionsde lorsque les crĂ©dits sont accumulĂ©s au taux des obligations. La perte d’opportunitĂ© des investisseurs, qui est de l’ordre de 215 millions de , constitue le coĂ»t social. Les programmes ont accru les fonds propres des entreprises de 569,8 millions de .Pourlegouvernement,lecou^tpar. Pour le gouvernement, le coĂ»t par de capitalisation se situe en moyenne Ă  1,61 .Ilvarieentre1,13et5,85 . Il varie entre 1,13 et 5,85  en fonction du programme Ă©tudiĂ©. Si l’on tient Ă©galement compte des coĂ»ts assumĂ©s par les investisseurs, on peut estimer le coĂ»t total par decapitalisationsuppleˊmentaireaˋ1,99  de capitalisation supplĂ©mentaire Ă  1,99  pour l’ensemble des programmes. Cette Ă©tude montre Ă©galement que seulement 3 des entreprises financĂ©es dans le cadre de ces programmes ont Ă©tĂ© des succĂšs (sur 270 cas Ă©tudiĂ©s), et que 50 % des titres financĂ©s ont perdu plus de 80 % de leur valeur initiale en dĂ©cembre 1990. Ces rĂ©sultats paraissent de nature Ă  remettre en question l’intervention de l’État dans le domaine de la capitalisation des entreprises au moyen de dĂ©penses fiscales.Since 1976, the QuĂ©bec Government started several programs of tax expenditures and a grants program to improve small business' capitalisation: the Programme d’aide Ă  la capitalisation, the SociĂ©tĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement de l’entreprise quĂ©bĂ©coise or SODEQ, the Fonds de SolidaritĂ© des travailleurs du QuĂ©bec and the development part of the Quebec Stocks Saving Plan. This paper presents a cost-benefit analysis of these programs. By the end of 1990, the accumulated value of the tax expenditures and grants is approximately 917.35millions.Theinvestorsâ€Čopportunitylossisapproximately917.35 millions. The investors' opportunity loss is approximately 215 millions, as estimated by the difference between the observed market value of the investments as of december 1990 and the accumulated value of the net investment (without the tax credit). The programs increased the market value of small firms' equity by 569.8millions.Forthegovernment,thecostbydollarofequityincreaseisbetween569.8 millions. For the government, the cost by dollar of equity increase is between 1.13 and 5.85dependingupontheprogram.Thetotalcost(forgovernmentandinvestors)is5.85 depending upon the program. The total cost (for government and investors) is 1.99. We also studied the behavior of a sample of 270 firms which benefited from the programs. OnIy three can be seen as successful. More than 50% of the firms in this sample lost more than 80% of their initial value before the end of 1990. These results call for a close reexamination of the use of tax expenditures in the area of savings reallocation and small and medium firms capitalization

    The Indirect Costs of Venture Capital in Canada

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    Some analysts and policy makers consider that the growth of New Technology Based Firms (NTBF) is impeded by an insufficient supply of capital. In Canada, as in other jurisdictions, the public authorities have interceded to fill this equity gap by increasing the supply of funds. However, several researchers contend that this gap is mainly associated with information asymmetry that particularly affects technological firms. Agency and moral hazard problems explain why it can be time consuming and costly to get outside equity. We propose the first analysis of these indirect costs of financing. These costs are partially intangible and can be determined only through a field survey and case analyses. In this study, we identify the elements that generate indirect costs of financing and estimate the costs and time frames associated with 18 financing rounds undertaken by 12 NTBF in Quebec, where the supply of venture capital is very abundant. We show that these costs are indeed substantial and heavily penalize small companies, especially during the initial financing round and prior to the commercialization phase. Thus, the classic government intervention policies intended to increase the supply of funds may be largely ineffectual. More specific training and support actions would likely be more effective. Certains analystes et dĂ©cideurs politiques considĂšrent que la croissance des nouvelles entreprises technologiques est contrainte par une offre insuffisante de capital. Au Canada, comme dans d’autres juridictions, les pouvoirs publics sont intervenus pour corriger cette lacune des marchĂ©s en augmentant l’offre de capital. Toutefois, la plupart des chercheurs dĂ©fendent que cette lacune est essentiellement due aux problĂšmes d’asymĂ©trie informationnelle, qui touchent particuliĂšrement les entreprises technologiques. Les problĂšmes d’agence et d’anti-sĂ©lection qui en dĂ©coulent rendent l’obtention de capital longue et coĂ»teuse. Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, nous Ă©tudions les coĂ»ts et dĂ©lais associĂ©s Ă  l’obtention de capital de risque par douze entreprises technologiques, au cours de 18 rondes de financement distinctes. L’étude est menĂ©e au QuĂ©bec, oĂč l’offre de capital de risque est particuliĂšrement abondante. Nous observons que les coĂ»ts associĂ©s Ă  l’obtention du capital sont considĂ©rables et de nature Ă  pĂ©naliser les entreprises, notamment au cours des rondes initiales de financement. L’intervention gouvernementale classique, qui consiste Ă  augmenter l’offre de capital, semble donc largement inefficace. D’autres types d’intervention, qui viseraient Ă  encadrer et aider les dirigeants dans la recherche de fonds, devraient ĂȘtre Ă©tudiĂ©s.financing, indirect costs, public policy, SME, venture capital, capital de risque, coĂ»ts indirects, financement, PME, politique publique

    The Survival and Success of Canadian Penny Stock IPOs

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    We analyze the survival and success of a large sample of Canadian penny stock initial public offerings (IPOs), launched mostly by small and unprofitable firms from 1986 to 2003. The failure rate of these IPOs is lower than the one observed in the U.S. for larger IPOs, probably because of lax delisting rules and the market’s capacity to refinance non-profitable firms. The survival of new issuers is significantly associated with their characteristics at the IPO and with the level of initial listing requirement they meet. The involvement of reputable intermediaries in the IPO process mitigates this effect. Success, estimated by the graduation to a senior exchange, is not linked to the financial conditions at the IPO. Overall, Canada seems to have developed a particular strategy to finance the growth of small firms even if the propensity to fail of firms listed at a pre-revenue stage is indeed very high. Nous analysons la survie et le succĂšs d’un grand Ă©chantillon d’émissions initiales d’actions cotĂ©es en cents (les penny stocks), lancĂ©es majoritairement par des entreprises de petite taille non rentables entre 1986 et 2003. Le taux d’échec de ces Ă©missions est moindre que celui observĂ© aux États-Unis pour des opĂ©rations de plus grande taille. Ceci peut dĂ©couler de rĂšgles de radiation plus souples et de la capacitĂ© du marchĂ© boursier canadien Ă  refinancer des entreprises qui ne dĂ©gagent pas de bĂ©nĂ©fices. La survie des Ă©metteurs est significativement liĂ©e Ă  leurs caractĂ©ristiques lors de l’émission initiale et au niveau de normes minimales qu’ils satisfont au moment de l’entrĂ©e en Bourse. L’implication d’intermĂ©diaires de bonne rĂ©putation lors de l’émission modĂšre cet effet. Le taux de succĂšs, dĂ©fini ici comme l’inscription sur une Bourse de niveau supĂ©rieur, est peu liĂ© aux caractĂ©ristiques financiĂšres qui prĂ©valent lors de l’émission. Le Canada semble avoir dĂ©veloppĂ© une stratĂ©gie particuliĂšre pour financer des entreprises de petite taille mais la probabilitĂ© d’échec des entreprises qui entrent en Bourse avant de rapporter des revenus reste trĂšs importante.small business finance, initial public offering, survival, success, minimum listing requirements., Financement des petites entreprises, Ă©missions initiales d’actions, survie, succĂšs, normes minimales d’entrĂ©e en Bourse.
